Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death

Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death is a 1989 film starring Shannon Tweed and Bill Maher. The film sendsup many pop culture motifs and societal trends, including feminism and feminist movements fragmentation around various issues, B movies particularly Cannibal Holocaust, celebrities, major writers and political figures. It was the first feature directed under the pseudonym J. D. Athens by screenwriter J. F. Lawton, who also authored Pretty Woman, Under Siege and its sequel, and television show V.I.P.

Eventually, the trio Margo, Bunny and Jim meets the Piranha women, who have recently taken Dr. Kurtz played by Adrienne Barbeau as their empress. Kurtz is Dr. Hunts former colleague in feminist studies the internationally famous author of Smart Women, Stupid Insensitive Men and now her nemesis she has joined the tribe of Piranha women with her own exploitative agenda. The two argue about the morality of sacrificing men and the exploitation of the Piranha women, and Bunny decides to join the tribe, her first sacrifice being Jim. Bunny cannot go through with the kill, however, and Dr. Hunt escapes, aided by the handsome, intelligent, and sensitive JeanPierre Brett Stimely, who also was to be sacrificed.Dr. Margo Hunt finds in the jungle a rival tribe of cannibal women, the Barracuda Women, who are at war with the Piranha women due to differences over which condiment guacamole or clam dip most appropriately accompanies a meal of sacrificed man. Hunt returns to the Piranha stronghold with this other tribe and rescues Bunny and Jim as well as JeanPierre. ........

Source: Wikipedia